Dohiyi Mir
    In Which NTodd Says His Peace

Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Go to the new DM blog.

Find Your Happy Place

I haven't been in a good space today: prepping for a new class next week, writing a couple case studies for a customer, and reading the news from Iraq all really bummed me out. By all rights I should've gone for a bike ride since it was a gorgeous day, if a bit chilly, but I'm not quite ready to start the season yet. Instead, Cairo and I went for a brief car ride along one of my bike routes just to outrun the blahs for a little while. Hopefully people aren't sick of mountains and other scenes of bucolic splendor (I'm not):

Typical Vermont juxtaposition: a farm with ski slopes in the distance.

This is a farm I pass near the end of one of my favorite short bike loops. A 22 mile tour of small towns, dairy farms and rolling hills, with a 6.6 mile stretch at a 5% grade (more or less a Category 3 climb by Tour de France definition). I really need to get out there!


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Best New Blog finalist - 2003 Koufax Awards

A non-violent, counter-dominant, left-liberal, possibly charismatic, quasi anarcho-libertarian Quaker's take on politics, volleyball, and other esoterica.

Lo alecha ha-m'lacha ligmor, v'lo atah ben chorin l'hibateyl mimenah.

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Total Donations: 3 = $210

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Total Donations: 13
Total Dollars: $750
Average Donation: $57.69

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Dean is still the messenger.
We are still the message.

My goodness! Rummy loves
these fair and balanced blogs:

The Coalition

Cairo wonders when I'll be fair
and balanced and go throw sticks...

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