Dohiyi Mir
In Which NTodd Says His Peace
You Know
New Rummy poetry from
yesterday :
You know,
I know
there are things
I don't know
and some of those things you've been asking me about,
I know
I don’t know.
He seems to have gotten over his beatnik phase...
June 2003
July 2003
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April 2007
Best New Blog finalist - 2003 Koufax Awards
A non-violent, counter-dominant, left-liberal, possibly charismatic, quasi anarcho-libertarian Quaker's take on politics, volleyball, and other esoterica.
Lo alecha ha-m'lacha ligmor, v'lo atah ben chorin l'hibateyl mimenah.
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Dean is still the messenger.
We are still the message .
My goodness! Rummy loves
these fair and balanced blogs:
The Coalition
Cairo wonders when I'll be fair
and balanced and go throw sticks...