Dohiyi Mir
    In Which NTodd Says His Peace

Friday, November 14, 2003
Go to the new DM blog.

God Bless Harry Reid

Sen. Reid during his filibuster protest on Monday (PDF):

Looking around the desert, I noticed [rabbits] didn't eat cactus, or I thought they didn't eat cactus. They didn't eat desert cactus. They ate my cactus. We planted a bunch of cactus. I can't imagine how they can do it, but they eat some cactus--not all of them. I don't know the names of the cactus they don't eat. Some of the names I know. They don't eat the cholla. They don't eat the beaver tails. They don't eat a plant that is not native to Searchlight, Ocotilla from Arizona, a long stringy plant with stems that go up very high. They don't eat those.

So I have replanted my house several times. They are good, these rabbits.

[Update: we now have audio of the stunning historical speech, courtesy of faithful reader, Stradiotto.]

A while later, Sen. Roberts asked this probing question (PDF):

Did you ever solve the problem with the rabbits with regard to the cactus they would eat or wouldn't eat? And I was wondering if you thought about just basically desert rocks? They have some beautiful rocks out there and I doubt seriously if the rabbits would have eaten the rocks.

God I love filibusters.


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