Dohiyi Mir
    In Which NTodd Says His Peace

Thursday, July 17, 2003
Go to the new DM blog.

Iraq Post-Conflict Reconstruction

The CSIS has released a new report, commissioned by Donald Rumsfeld:

The next 12 months will be decisive; the next three months are crucial to turning around the security situation, which is volatile in key parts of the country. All players are watching closely to see how resolutely the coalition will handle this challenge. The Iraqi population has exceedingly high expectations, and the window for cooperation may close rapidly if they do not see progress on delivering security, basic services, opportunities for broad political involvement, and economic opportunity. The “hearts and minds” of key segments of the Sunni and Shi'a communities are in play and can be won, but only if the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) and new Iraqi authorities deliver in short order. To do so, the CPA will have to dramatically and expeditiously augment its operational capacity throughout the country, so that civilian- led rebuilding can proceed while there are still significant numbers of coalition forces in Iraq to provide maximum leverage over those who seek to thwart the process.
Seven major areas need immediate attention.

1. The coalition must establish public safety in all parts of the country.

2. Iraqi ownership of the rebuilding process must be expanded at national, provincial, and local levels.

3. Idle hands must be put to work and basic economic and social services provided immediately to avoid exacerbating political and security problems.

4. Decentralization is essential.

5. The coalition must facilitate a profound change in the Iraqi national frame of mind – from centralized authority to significant freedoms , from suspicion to trust, from skepticism to hope.

6. The United States needs to quickly mobilize a new reconstruction coalition that is significantly broader than the coalition that successfully waged the war.

7. Money must be significantly more forthcoming and more flexible.
The United States will need significant international assistance – from the United Nations, other international organizations, and bilateral donors. Security forces, CIVPOL, information flows, and ensuring a ready supply of CPA personnel with relevant capabilities are just four such areas.

There you have it: we've got three months. After that, the "window for cooperation" could close--it looks like the window's only open half-way even now. I almost feel compelled to declare this blog a "No CPA Bashing Zone", but I don't think I can do it. Call it human nature. I'll try to hold out until October 17--no promises.

Anyway, it looks like "the experts" see a need to internationalize this. I'm not convinced we can overcome our botched diplomacy enough to do this. Witness India's rebuff to our request for troops, and of course the French's similar refusal. But hey, in 90 days anything can happen.


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